The Best Ways To Introduce Your Kids To Charity
When it comes to charities, it’s a good idea to introduce this to your kids to instil the concept at an early age. This is something they will not forget when they grow older and they will be more likely to play their part to help less fortunate children both at home and abroad. A good time to start is during a holiday period, such as Christmas. As parents, you can greatly influence your kids to help others and grow into generous adults. By setting this example, there is a strong likelihood that they will do the same as you. Here are some ways of teaching your kids about charity and helping other children.
1. Take Them Grocery Shopping
Taking the kids grocery shopping is a good way to introduce them to giving to others. As you pick up a can of soup or some spaghetti, you can start a conversation about donating items so that people can get food from the food bank and why there are families who go to food banks. You can explain that young people also use food banks because they don’t have other means to help themselves, so decent and kind members of the public try to help. This will get them thinking and you can bet that there’ll be loads of questions coming your way! Great start!
2. Donating To A Toy Drive
If you take your kids to buy toys for someone else, it can be difficult. However, you can paint a picture for them. Tell them that there are kids who will wake up and not have any toys to play with. Explain how buying toys for these kids will be their gift to these children. Let them know how happy these children will be to find presents and it will be because of them! Many times, during a toy drive, some of the older kids and teenagers tend to be forgotten, so if you can, make sure to get appropriate gifts for them as well. Remember, these toys need to be unwrapped so that it makes it easier for organizers to send the right toys to the right kids.
3. Sponsoring
If you can afford to do this, try sponsoring a child overseas. There are some very large and popular organizations that do this and you and your kids can get involved. This will require a monthly contribution, so if you can afford to, it’s a great way to teach your kids about less fortunate children in other countries. You can get your kids to donate a small part of their allowance in order to help these children. When you sponsor one child, explain to your kids that the money your family is sending will help a whole family and not just the kids. You will receive information and photos of these children and your kids can communicate with these children who are overseas.
4. Let’s Not Forget Our Animal Friends
Kids just love puppies and kittens and other animals. You can donate to the humane society and explain how these beautiful animals will be helped and cared for with your contribution. You can even donate a squeaky toy which your kids can specifically pick. Imagine how happy a puppy will be when it plays with its new toy. Paint this picture for them as well.
Perhaps starting with the humane society would be a great start in getting your kids involved in charity. They might be able to understand and relate to it more. Once they do, then you can teach them about the other ways and they will be more receptive. Imagine how proud you’ll be to see your kids getting involved in helping others…and you’ll have every right to be!